Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why is it that we continue to lengthen into downward dog day after day, morning after morning? This line has been rolling around in my brain since the moment I got out of bed. Having woken up before the sun, just to get in my precious downward dog. It made me curious, what is it about this posture, so seemingly simple, that allows me to find my peace?

Its the way my breath makes my abdomen rise and fall; its the way my spine unwinds all that its been holding; its the way I get to set down my stories, promises, "truths"; its the way my eyes feel when all tension is released; its the way my elongated hamstrings rest and relax; its the way it feels when the muscle that is my brain finally gets to unclench; but even more sincere, its the way it feels to connect.

Finding a sense of connectivity that simplifies all that is. Allowing myself to be entranced in the existence of the mountains, consumed with the mere-ness of me, and humbled by the way it feels to flow.

That is the inspiration of this blog. A first attempt at writing what it is I find through my practice, on and off the matt. A way to turn all mysteries into belated emotions through the written word. A way to share with inquisitive and inquiring minds, just like myself. And a way to contemplate how this path of yoga affects our lives: Yoga Bones.

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